The B.S. (belief system) Mistakes that keep you from the Career You Deserve!

A LIVE Masterclass for professional actors designed to empower you so you can get more auditions to better roles!

It’s not your fault. You’ve been MISLED.

  • You do not need to wait to have the perfect reel to get more auditions to better roles.

  • Whatever you think is holding you back is probably your SUPERPOWER.

  • You are exactly as you should be in every way, and the film industry needs you.

  • You do not need to feel like a leaf blowing in the wind. You can get control over your career.

  • Agents & Casting Directors are only one way to get auditions to better roles.

I'll show you the 5-pillar framework that's been a game changer for me and loads of other actors - helping them get the careers they deserve.

What Other Actors Say About Get Better Roles

  • Heike Werntgen Germany

    Actor | Director | Drama Teacher

    “First of all, it (the course) really understands the business. Secondly, it really empowered me, like empowering my career and taking action of my career. Now there are so many more doorways. And the way you go about it is so different that it really makes a huge difference in everything. You gave us like, one of those treasure boxes filled with nuggets of gold and diamonds. Content, perfect.”

  • Ivona Stolzenburg Germany


    “I didn’t expect the amount of impact. You showed us so many details that I didn’t even know existed. The expectations - You fulfilled them more than I ever thought you would. It felt like having an acting mom. You gave us the roadmap - how everything works. There’s nothing more I could ask for, because it’s so clear, and it’s perfectly explained. It’s totally logical. Everything is inside we just have to do it. Nothing’s missing.”

  • Mary Stanton | USA


    “This course inspired me to overcome fear and take action—because inaction is the real mistake. It opened my eyes to my unique essence as a storyteller. I learned to identify, quantify, and market my vibe in a way that truly resonates. It was a raw and cathartic experience that laid a solid foundation for my marketing strategies. This wasn't just about learning; it was about transforming. Now, I approach every opportunity fearlessly, ready to learn and make mistakes. It changed how I see myself and market myself as an actor, fundamentally and for the better.”

  • Kjersti Brathagen Finland | UK


    You know the situations in Europe, Germany, the UK, and the US. This course has really equipped me with a deeper set of tools and insights, allowing me to navigate these scenes much more effectively. It promised to teach me the business side of acting and it delivered exactly that. We sometimes need someone to boost our confidence and reassure us we’re on track. But it’s crucial to know precisely what to do next — And that’s exactly what I’ve learned here.

  • Angelica Andersson Sweden | UK


    “What I found most beneficial about this course was hit empowered me to trust my own instincts rather than constantly looking for answers somewhere else. The affirmation that embracing my authenticity is the right path made an immense difference. This insight influenced everything we discussed. It’s truly about gaining confidence and empowerment, which has been incredibly valuable for me.”

  • Karoline von Wilcke Germany


    “Now I’m in the driver’s seat and know where to drive. Now I know where to go.  I would recommend it to anybody who really wants to understand acting as a business. I would also recommend it to anybody who has had a different path because they really need it. It’s almost like, if I Google this disease - My disease is I’m 43 years old and I still don’t have the acting career I want. And then you come up, it’s like, ‘Oh that’s the pill! This is the pill to take. I’m gonna buy it.”

Hey, I’m Anne

Anne Alexander-Sieder

I’m an actor, coach, podcaster, screenwriter, producer and filmmaker (not to mention a wife and mother, sister, daughter and all the rest of that jazz). Just your average multi-hyphenate and I bet you also are multifaceted.

To date, I’ve got 48 credits on IMDb and another 98 credits on Crew United (Europe’s answer to IMDb). If somebody had told me 10 years ago that I’d be where I am now, I wouldn’t have believed them. But, today you can see me on screens big and small on two continents.

These experiences aren’t just auditions and jobs, they’re the confirmation that my strategy is working.

I’m not saying it’s been a bed of roses. Of course, I haven’t skipped merrily from one win to the next. I’ve had my share of hopes dashed, rejections, and disappointments and I’m not nearly done trying to get bigger and better roles, but each project, each opportunity, has been a stepping stone to something better. And besides, the low points are just a fact of this industry.

But, I can look back to where I stood 10 years ago, with nothing but determination to succeed, and see how each new experience taught me how to navigate a little further into the maze.

I hope I don’t sound like I’m boasting because what I’m trying to do is show you that with the right approach, success in this industry is attainable at any stage of life. I learned so much from these experiences - so many valuable lessons about persistence, strategy, and self-belief – that have been proven to be transformative for myself and my clients.

The Problem is the Solution.

The Problem is the Solution.

It's not just about pushing harder in the same direction; it's about changing the game. 

I'll touch on the essential elements you need to transform your acting career. These include:

  • Understanding exactly what sets you apart

  • How to kick the competition to the curb by applying your life experiences, passions, and special skills to your talent to build a knockout personal brand (even if you’ve taken a hiatus from acting like I did or if you’re coming at it from another career).

  • We’ll also dive into networking and outreach, a.k.a., marketing, so that you get noticed by the right people. 

After that, I'll share some key tips and experiences that helped me and many of my clients and could be game-changers for you, too. 

It's all about showcasing what makes you unique and then weaving that into everything you do so that you have no competition. One big hint is, the thing you think is holding you back the most, just might be your superpower.

Join My Free Masterclass!

Join My Free Masterclass!

It’s time to disrupt the ineffective (and disempowering) pattern

  • No more begging to be ‘considered’

  • No more playing small

  • No more standing on lower ground

  • No more flapping around in the wind like a lost leaf

  • No more feeling like you’ve done everything there is to do but it hasn’t worked

This is a new way to take control of your career.

Enough is Enough - Let’s do this!

Pick a Day and Time to Blow Your Mind