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Actors - Up Your Game With This ONE Thing - Acting Career Advice

So many people treat their acting careers like a roll of the dice — Maybe you'll get lucky, and maybe you won't. But I've got some great news for you: there is one thing you can do to increase your odds dramatically — and it doesn't matter what you look like or who you know. And… it doesn't cost a dime.

There are three areas of your acting career that you can focus on every day that will give you immediate results:

  1. your castability

  2. your outreach

  3. and your research.

I’m an actor and also a life and career coach for actors - but just like you, I also was starting from ground zero. Let me take you back to when I decided to relaunch my acting career at 47 years old. Yep, that’s right—47! And, as if that wasn't challenging enough, I did it as an American living in Germany where I didn’t speak the language natively. I had zero industry contacts, and to make matters worse I had taken almost a 16-year hiatus from acting to care for my family, which meant I also had no current showreel material.

You might think I had everything going against me, but I've actually been able to carve out quite a nice career both in Europe and America.

I've coached hundreds of actors, and the ones who constantly book roles all have one thing in common; they are consistently working on their careers.

So, let’s break this down.


What does "castability" even mean? In short, it's the combination of your inner and outer characteristics and how they come together. It's how you look, carry yourself, plus your energy – basically, your vibe. 

Every film, every TV series, and even every commercial is its own little microcosm – a world within itself with its own rules, tone, and style. Think about the difference between "Game of Thrones" and "Shameless" or "White Lotus" and "The Crown." Can you see how each of these has a very specific look and vibe? You need to think of yourself in the same way.

Here's how to work on your castability:

  1. Identify Your Types: Come up with at least two types you could easily play today and describe them. For example, I often play boss bitches who take themselves way too seriously or mothers torn between the love of their family and some driving force. The descriptions themselves have conflict which makes your castability more interesting.

  2. Find Your Fit: Think of at least 10 films and shows you could slip into right now.

  3. Update Your Profiles: Ensure all your online casting profiles align with your current castability.


In simple terms, outreach means your marketing and networking. People like to work with people they like. So, to get more work, you need to build authentic relationships.

And, an authentic relationship means being true to your unicorn factors, and who you truly are as a person. And, you want to avoid transactional relationships at all costs. And lastly, daily outreach should be part of your routine.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Engage on Social Media: Follow your contacts on social media. Before reaching out, take a look at what’s new in their lives and comment on that. Maybe they just got a new puppy, and you're great with dogs. You could offer a few tips, or just share a funny story about when your dog was a puppy. Or, maybe they worked on a film or series that you loved. Tell them! Everyone loves honest compliments. Think first about what you can give before you ask for something.

  2. Reconnect with Old Contacts: Reach out to a few old contacts every day. You'll find them on your call sheets, audition submissions, and in your network. And in three or four months, you should be back to square one, where you can start all over again. You want to be making contact about every quarter with these people.

  3. Build New Relationships: Reach out to a few new contacts daily. If you don't have their private email, social media is the great equalizer. Have a plan for who you're building new relationships with. Ideally, they'll be working in films and TV series where you would be a good fit.


Doing research is crucial. Remember when I asked you about the 10 films or TV series you could slip into? That's your starting point for greater outreach.

To get started:

  1. Investigate: Find out who’s working on your favorite shows. Utilize resources like IMDb, Deadline, Vanity Fair, or Crew United if you're in Europe.

  2. Engage Authentically: Follow them on social media and add value to their posts—meaningful comments, not just likes. Make sure your comments are conversation openers. 

  3. Develop A Relationship: Once you’ve had several interactions and they’re responding to you, consider a direct message with something specific.

Let your agent know about these relationships, so they can work to get you in front of the people who matter.

The Missing Piece: Your Craft

Remember I said there was one more thing you need to be consistent with? It's your craft. But you knew that already, right? To push your career forward, stay consistent with your castability, outreach, and research. Just doing these things will put you miles ahead of most other actors. 

The benefits of consistency are cumulative. Think of each day of dedication as putting another dollar in the bank. One dollar won’t change your life, but 365 might. Think about it. You didn't learn the skills to become an actor overnight. Why do you think you'd be able to build your career overnight? Nobody goes to the gym one day and expects to be ripped the next. Everybody knows that takes time and dedication, and so does your career.

Until next time, you stay your bold and beautiful self.
