Talent Link Vs. The EPK

What if I told you there was a way to land your perfect agent with ease and convenience, but it might not be the silver bullet that you think it is? Imagine your profile reaching literally hundreds of agents but still getting overlooked. Today, we're diving into Actors Access' Talent Link versus the EPK (Electronic Pitch Kit) to discover which one can truly make you shine.

The Quest for an Agent

So, you’re looking for an agent. Trying to land your first agent? Trying to level up or break into a new market? Trying to get an agent can be a daunting experience filled with anxiety and self-doubt. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Come on, let’s face it—actors are always on the lookout for an easier way to make the whole agent-finding process just a little bit easier. But why are actors so desperate to get an agent?

I’ll tell you why: Because they think that agents are the only way to get them the kinds of opportunities that are going to get them to the next level. I mean, they are important and good to have, but agents are just one in a lot more ways to achieve your career goals. 

Understanding the Importance of Agents

Don’t get me wrong, I love my agents—all three of them, in fact. They are great for having your back, negotiating contracts, getting you better pay, and being the bad guy when you need to refuse a lower rate. More importantly, they ensure that you don't get taken advantage of and that contracts are honored.

So, yes, a good agent is an integral part of your team that will make all the difference in your career. And that’s what I want to help you do here—get a good agent. There are many ways to find an agent, but today we will focus on two methods: using Actors Access and their Talent Link service, and the EPK — Electronic Pitch Kit.

What Do You Want From an Agent?

Before diving into these methods, think about what you want from your new agent. This is hopefully going to be a very long and fruitful relationship. Think of it a bit like dating. I mean, you wouldn't marry the first person who wanted to marry you without going out on a few dates, would you? I mean, they're supposed to be the kind of partner that you want to spend some significant time with. Well, your agent is kind of like that too. The more thought you put into this before you start your search, the better off you'll be when making your final decision.

Here are some of my prerequisites. 

  1. Equality: I want an agent who I feel is an equal. I don’t want to feel like they’re doing me a favor by taking me on.

  2. Proactivity: They should be as proactive about looking for work for me as I am. Bonus points if they attend film festivals and other industry events.

  3. Responsiveness: They need to be really responsive when I bring them opportunities.

  4. Trustworthiness: I need to trust that they have my best interests at heart.

  5. Compatibility: I want to find them fun and easy to be around and to talk to.

Preparing for Submissions

Before you hit submit, you need to have a few things ready:

  1. Training: Agents value actors who value training. It doesn’t have to be Juilliard, but you need to show that you’re willing to put in the work.

  2. Headshots: Headshots are vital—they’re your calling cards. They should be professionally shot and reflect your brand. Looking like you on your best day is the key, not overly made up.

  3. Demo Reel: Whether it’s a professional showreel or high-quality self-tapes, ensure it’s on-brand and reflects your true potential.

By having these elements ready, you streamline the process of showcasing yourself to potential agents.

Different Ways to Find an Agent

Let's look at two popular methods: Actors Access Talent Link and an Electronic Pitch Kit (EPK).

Actors Access Talent Link

Talent Link is an extension of Actors Access that connects actors with agents and managers across various genres like theatrical, commercial, industrial, modeling, and reality TV. For a fee (usually around $35), you can submit your profile to hundreds of agents. It’s convenient and easy to use. However, the convenience comes at a cost. Your profile becomes just another name in an agent’s crowded inbox, making it hard to stand out unless you have very impressive credentials.

The EPK (Electronic Pitch Kit)

EPKs lets you showcase your true self, with personalized layouts, personal introduction videos, and testimonials. You can include a personal introduction video, testimonials, and a visually appealing tool that makes you memorable. They exude professionalism and help agents get a sense of who you are, making it easier to stand out from the crowd.

Creating an EPK can be time-consuming and technically challenging. It's a digital product, so you need to host it online smartly and ensure it's not overwhelming to those who view it. Crafting a streamlined, on-brand EPK is an art, but it's worth the effort.

The brilliance of an EPK is that it shows the industry where you want to go, not where you've been. Crafting an EPK that gets you booked is an art, and it's a vital part of my signature program, Get Better Roles. It’s an unfair advantage, and I'm more than happy to give that edge to my clients.

Crafting an EPK

To create an EPK, include a personal introduction video, often referred to as an “about me.” It’s like shaking hands before actually meeting someone. This personal touch exudes professionalism and tells potential agents that you're serious about your craft. Must-haves should include professionally shot headshots and a demonstration of your acting, either through a showreel or well-acted self-tapes. Make sure everything is on-brand.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the idea of creating an EPK, don’t worry. There are resources and coaching programs that can help you put it together. So, start where you are, get your materials ready, and take that first step.

Always start where you are and aim to grow.

Whether you choose Talent Link, an EPK, or both, what matters most is that you put yourself out there and keep striving for that next level in your acting career. Talent Link offers convenience but might make you one of the many, while an EPK offers a personalized and professional touch but requires more effort.

Both methods have their pros and cons, but in my personal and professional experience, an EPK offers a more personalized and impactful approach to standing out in a crowded field. If you'd like more tips or help crafting your EPK, set up a free consultation.

Until next time, you stay your bold and beautiful self.



Mastering Agent Meetings: 15 Must-Ask Questions for Actors


From Overlooked to Booked