Actors: This Blindspot Will Keep You From Success

Are You Really Ready?

So, you want to be a working actor, but there's always a "BUT." "But I’m not ready." "But I don’t have an agent yet." "But my showreel isn't good enough."

Sound familiar? If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I’d be rich enough to have my own production company.

The thing is, those are all just excuses from your subconscious who is trying to keep you in your comfort zone because that’s where it feels safe. But the first step to overcoming something is recognizing it for what it is. If you have a headache because you’re dehydrated, the only way to fix it is to drink some water, but water isn’t the first thing we think of when our head hurts. capisch? Radical honesty and radical accountability will get you going in the right direction.

Every successful actor you admire, every single one, has fought their own battles with thoughts and fears. So, relax, you’re not alone. 

Breaking Through the Readiness Barrier

Ask yourself: Are you protecting yourself from potential “failure” or rejection (be honest)? If so, it's natural, everyone wants to feel like they’re winning. But in this business, you need to develop a thick skin. Every working actor has faced both. But each time you’re rejected, you’re one step closer to getting your yes.

Is your readiness really about things that are outside of your control, or is it more about your own mindset? If you really think about it, you’ll find that you actually do have the power to change the circumstances of what you feel is limiting you. There are very few circumstances that we truly have no control over. Things like pandemics and strikes might be out of your hands, but if it's about your skills, materials, or connections, those you can work on.

Three Things You Can Do to Overcome the Readiness Blindspot

  1. Write Down Your Reasons: Grab a pen and paper. Seriously, it helps to see it in front of you. List all the reasons you think you’re not ready. Be brutally honest with yourself. Don’t judge these reasons yet—just get them out of your head and onto the page. Sometimes, our minds come up with excuses to keep us safe, but it’s time to call them out.

  2. Evaluate Your List: Take a look at your list. Ask yourself: Are these reasons within my control? If they are, make a plan to tackle them one by one. If they're not, find a way around them. Whether it’s your materials, relationships, or skills, these are all things you can work on and improve.

  3. Take Imperfect Action: Imperfect action is always better than no action at all. If you don’t have great showreel material, start with a self-taped scene or two. Readiness is less about perfection and more about being willing to start with what you have.

You have the power to change your narrative. Remember, every day is a chance to start over.

If you're serious about your acting career, book a free consultation with me. Together we can figure out if you’re a good fit for my program, and if you’re not, we’ll figure out the next best steps for your journey together.

Until next time, you stay your bold and beautiful self.



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