Common Mistakes Actors Make
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Common Mistakes Actors Make

Delve into identifying and overcoming blind spots that might be hindering your acting career. Discover what blind spots are, how they act as invisible threats, and learn three powerful strategies to turn these challenges into opportunities

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Actors- Avoid These 8 Common Mistakes
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actors- Avoid These 8 Common Mistakes

I'm shedding light on the whole idea of 'blind spots' in an actor's career– you know, those tricky areas in an actor's journey that might be silently holding you back. I break down the 8 most common mistakes actors make when it comes to their careers and, of course, I've got the lowdown on how to tackle each one. Just like the blind spots in your car, these invisible threats can hold you back. I get into "being ready," dealing with overwhelm, perfect timing, managing the craziness of busyness, overcoming perfectionism, booting indecision out the door, not turning small stuff into big dramas, and steering clear of those assumptions. From understanding what they are, to changing your mindset from external to internal factors, we’ll cover tools and techniques to help you realize your full potential. Remember, it’s all about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and turning problems into opportunities.

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Actors: This Blindspot Will Keep You From Success
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actors: This Blindspot Will Keep You From Success

Every successful actor you admire, every single one that you admire, has stood where you are now. They have their own thoughts and fears. I'm taking on a topic that's crucial for every actor: 'Readiness'. Or rather using “not being ready” as a reason for not moving forward. I break down a simple three-step plan to help you move from feeling stuck to taking action. It's straightforward, practical, and could be the nudge you need to get you out of your funk. It's a journey of constant reinvention and relentless pursuit of our dreams.

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