Common Mistakes Actors Make

I bet there are things holding you back in your career that you're not even aware of. These are what we like to call "blind spots." Today, I'm going to give you tips to eliminate them from your life so you can continue to succeed and achieve the career you want.

What is a Blind Spot?

Just like in your car, there are spots in your career that you're unable to see but are holding you back. Scary, right? It's basically an invisible threat to your success. But don’t worry—while these blind spots might be invisible, they do leave clues.

Our subconscious is trying to keep us safe.

It's always doing that. That's why sometimes it keeps us in a place that maybe feels safe, but is actually contrary to what you want, which is a big acting career, right?

“We have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

We have to stop and assess. You have to be brutally honest, because if it doesn't feel a little scary, you're probably not doing enough.

Three Tools to Overcome Blind Spots

Here’s where it gets exciting: Here are three simple ways to overcome these blind spots.

1. Assess: External vs. Internal Challenges

  • Most actors assess their situations based on external factors, which leaves them feeling powerless. External factors include things like the weather, the economy, politics, the pandemic, or strikes. You can't control these, which means you feel powerless against them. 

  • By changing your focus to internal factors, you regain control. You have the capacity to decide how you’re going to think about something and, more importantly, what you're going to do about it.

2. Replace Past Context with Future Context

  • Don't let your past experiences dictate your future. Say, for instance, you applied to five agents and either didn't hear back or got rejected by all of them. From that experience, you might assume that no agent will ever want you. That’s letting your past predict your future and stops you from moving forward. 

  • Remember a time when you believed anything was possible—probably when you were younger and hadn’t experienced many knockdowns. The future is a blank canvas with infinite possibilities, so replace the past context with a future context filled with potential.

3. Switch from a Problem Frame to an Opportunity Frame

  • Our default perspective is often to frame things as problems because that’s what keeps us safe. If you want an extraordinary life, you must do extraordinary things. Instead of looking at challenges as threats, consider them opportunities. If you haven't had success getting an agent, for example, think about how you can present yourself differently to stand out. Being your true, authentic self will always set you apart.

Remember these three key tools: shift from external to internal, replace past context with future context, and switch from problem framing to opportunity framing. Apply this thinking to all the blind spots we’re about to discuss.

Until next time, you stay your bold and beautiful self.


P.S. Want to work with me? If you are a trained actor who feels stuck, book an appointment, and together, we’ll see if you’re a good fit for my program and if you’re not, we’ll figure out the next steps you need to take to get control over your career.  


Don't Let Your -Yes Year- Become Your Entire Career


A Working American Actor in Europe