How to Book More Auditions with Minimal Effort

There’s a little-known strategy that can increase your chances of landing those big, life-changing auditions by 42%. Yep, you read that right. And it’s not some complicated trick or secret formula—it’s as simple as writing down your goals.

Why Writing Down Your Goals Actually Works

Believe it or not, people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. Crazy, right? There’s even research to back this up! Dr. Gail Matthews at Dominican University in California found that just putting pen to paper makes a huge difference in your success. It’s like you’re making your goals real, taking them from a vague “maybe someday” to something you can actually hold yourself accountable for.

The Real Game-Changer: Accountability

But here’s where the magic really happens—sharing those goals with someone else. Whether it’s a mentor, a friend, or a group of supportive peers, having someone to check in with keeps you motivated and on track. It’s like having a workout buddy for your acting career.

Think about it—having someone in your corner who encourages you, challenges you, and helps you stay focused makes following through so much easier. You’re not just working toward your goal on your own; you’ve got a team supporting you.

Stella’s Story: Proof That It Works

I’ve seen this strategy work wonders for actors, including my friend Stella. Stella took a long break from acting to focus on family, and now, at 47, she’s diving back in with no regrets. She set a specific goal: to sign with a reputable agent by August 31st. But it wasn’t just about setting the goal; she made sure it was something she could actively work toward—no waiting around for luck.

With a clear plan and a little accountability, she’s tackling her goal head-on. And the best part? Stella knows that it’s her effort, not just some stroke of fate, that will get her where she wants to go.

Five Steps to Boost Your Own Success by 42%

If you’re ready to up your game, here are five steps to help you hit those big acting goals:

  1. Write down your goals – It’s simple, but it works. Be specific and make them real.

  2. Share them with someone – Find a mentor, coach, or accountability buddy who will keep you on track.

  3. Check in regularly – Keep those updates coming. Staying accountable is key.

  4. Lean on your community – Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you.

  5. Break it down – Create a step-by-step plan to tackle your goals without getting overwhelmed.

Bonus: Don’t Forget Your “Unicorn Factor”

One more thing! Make sure you’re celebrating what makes you special—your unique “unicorn factor.” Figure out what sets you apart from the rest, and let that shine through in your branding, networking, and everything you do. It’s all about showing the world what makes you unforgettable.

Let’s Make It Happen

At the end of the day, success is about taking action. Writing down your goals and having people around to support you makes a world of difference. It’s not just about hoping for a big break—it’s about doing the work and staying focused.

If you’re ready to take your acting career to the next level, let’s chat! I’d love to help you map out a plan to hit those goals. Book a free strategy call with me, and let’s get you moving in the right direction.

Until next time, you stay your bold and beautiful self.



The Quantum Physics of Acting Success


Equipment for on the go auditions and selftapes