What Actors Need To Know About Casting Directors
actorslife Anne Alexander-Sieder actorslife Anne Alexander-Sieder

What Actors Need To Know About Casting Directors

As an actor, I know how casting directors can seem like gatekeepers to all your dreams. They’re not as intimidating as they seem—they want you to succeed just as much as you do. Whether you’re auditioning in person, via self-tape, or through a live casting system, treat it like you’ve already got the job. Show them your best, take chances, and have fun. Winning the room is often more important than winning the role because it means you’ve made a lasting impression. Sometimes, not getting the role isn’t about your talent. Maybe you’re not on the casting director’s radar, or your essence isn’t right for the character. It might be political, or maybe you just don’t fit the physical requirements. Focus on what you can control, and don’t stress over what you can’t.

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