Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 1

Why Your Beliefs Might Be Blocking Your Breakthrough

Do you ever feel like your acting career just isn’t where it should be? You’re putting in the work, showing up to auditions, updating your materials, but somehow, things aren’t clicking. It’s frustrating, I know. Here’s the harsh truth: the biggest thing holding you back might be your own beliefs.

You might not realize it, but those quiet, persistent thoughts like “I’m not good enough,” “I’m too old,” or “I’ll never make it,” could be the invisible force that’s sabotaging your success.

“Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re right.

Henry Ford’s famous quote is a powerful reminder that what we think shapes our reality. If deep down, you believe you’re not worthy of success, you’re going to stay stuck in the same cycle.

Taking an Honest Look at Your Life

So, how do you figure out if your beliefs are the culprit? Start by looking at your life and your career. Are you living the life you’ve always dreamed of? Are you landing the roles you know you’re capable of, or are you still stuck doing low-budget gigs and waiting for that big break?

Here’s a reality check: It’s easy to blame external factors—like not having the right agent or not getting the footage you need for your reel. But if you’re really honest with yourself, you might find that your beliefs are the real problem. It’s not about the industry being too tough; it’s about whether you truly believe you deserve success.

Your Beliefs Are Your Blueprint

Our lives are a reflection of what we believe we deserve. If you’ve been struggling to move forward, it might be because, deep down, you don’t believe you can. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that you’re not ready for bigger roles, or that your time has passed. Those beliefs are shaping your reality, and until you confront them, you’ll stay exactly where you are.

Let’s be clear: I’m not saying that everything bad in your life is your fault. Life can throw some serious curveballs—I know that firsthand. But most of the time, our circumstances are a reflection of what we believe we deserve. The good news is, once you become aware of these limiting beliefs, you can start to change them.

Take Back Control: A Simple Exercise

Here’s a practical step to start shifting your mindset. Grab a pen and paper, and make a list of everything you think is holding back your acting career. Don’t overthink it—just write. Then, divide that list into two columns. In one column, list things that are outside your control, like waiting for footage from a project or hearing back from an agent. In the other column, write down the things you can control—like scheduling new headshots or seeking out additional training.

Once you see it laid out in front of you, it’s easier to focus on what you can change. Instead of feeling powerless, you can take action. Maybe it’s time to refresh your headshots, or maybe you need to network more aggressively. The key is to start where you have control and begin making those changes.

Embrace the Power of Belief

The most important change starts within. When you believe you’re worthy of success, everything else starts to fall into place. Your mindset is your foundation—build it strong, and you’ll be ready to take on whatever the industry throws your way.

You deserve to live the life of your dreams, and that journey begins with the belief that you can. Don’t miss out on Part 2 and Part 3 of this series, where we’ll dive deeper into more strategies to help you unlock even more potential in your acting career.

By the way, if you're a trained actor, serious about your career but struggling to get to the next level, then book an appointment with me. It’s free, and together we can figure out if you’re a good fit for my program, and if you’re not, we’ll figure out the next best steps for your journey together.

Until next time, you stay your bold and beautiful self.



Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 2


Want More and Better Auditions? Do These 3 Things