Want More and Better Auditions? Do These 3 Things

When it comes to getting more auditions, and not just any auditions but the right ones, it's all about strategy. After all, actors are super easy to please - We only want one thing: more auditions for better roles. Period.

So what can you do about that?

Get Clear about What You Have to Offer

You need to understand exactly what you bring to the table. The clearer you are about your strengths and unique qualities, the easier it becomes for people to cast you. This self-awareness can make a huge difference in getting noticed and chosen.

And when you're clear on what you offer, it's time to think beyond the usual gatekeepers. 

Expand Your Horizons Beyond Agents and Casting Directors

Don't just rely on agents and casting directors for auditions. Think about this logically—yes, they’re important, but they are just slightly, and I mean ever so slightly, above or even next to you in the film hierarchy. Network with producers, directors, and other industry professionals. The more people you know, the more opportunities you'll have.

And with your network expanding, it's important to have a clear sense of who you are and what you stand for. By combining a strong personal brand with a diverse network, you'll be in a much better position to land those coveted auditions and roles.

Know Yourself and Your Brand

When you know who you are, what you want, and the themes that resonate with you, you will have a much clearer idea of where you want to go and who you want to be working with. This makes networking much easier. 

When you do the work of discovering your brand as an actor, it doesn't reduce your opportunities; it actually increases them by getting rid of the confusion around how to cast you.

Discovering Your Brand as an Actor

Try taking the time to discover your brand as an actor. I know, I know—we all want to prove we can play any role and dig deep into varied characters, but the truth is, understanding your brand actually increases opportunities. While it’s great to showcase your versatility, it can also be very confusing for casting directors. 

I mean—think of it this way: imagine a restaurant with a menu of 100 different dishes. It’s overwhelming, I know. Now, think of a place with a few well-prepared options. Much easier to choose. Your brand works the same way. Having a clear and specific "menu" makes it easier for people to cast you.

Similarly, as an actor, you are selling something very specific. 

Consider Your Unique Qualities

Think about the themes and genres that really resonate with you. Do you light up more in drama, comedy, or a mix of both, like dramedy? Once you figure this out, you'll have a better idea of who to network with and how to market yourself.

Don't Be a Can of Baked Beans

Speaking of uniqueness, let me share a quick story. I was once offering a free branding workbook in a Facebook group, and someone commented, "We're not baked beans." That actually taught me something valuable. When you go to buy baked beans, you have specific preferences— is it a can or a jar? Do you like them sweet or spicy? 

Similarly, as actors, we have unique qualities that set us apart. Just as consumers choose their favorite baked beans, casting directors and filmmakers look for specific traits in actors.

Make Targeted Outreach

Once you have your brand nailed down, your outreach can become more targeted. Instead of throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping it sticks, you'll know exactly who to approach. This cuts down on the massive amounts of outreach that often feel impersonal. Using programs like MailChimp can help, but with a targeted list, you won’t need mass outreach. Focus on cultivating relationships with people who have the power to move the needle on your career.

Final Thoughts

Understanding your brand as an actor will make you more marketable, help you network more effectively, and, ultimately, get you more and better auditions. You're worth more time and consideration than a can of baked beans, so invest the effort in discovering what makes you unique.

If you're a trained actor, serious about your career but struggling to get to the next level, then book an appointment with me. It’s free, and together we can figure out if you’re a good fit for my program, and if you’re not, we’ll figure out the next best steps for your journey together.

Until next time, you stay your bold and beautiful self.



Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 1


What the Hell is Branding for Actors, Anyway?