Actions that Get You MORE Auditions
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actions that Get You MORE Auditions

We’re all juggling a million things, right? Whether you’re balancing acting with a day job or managing family and side gigs, time feels tight. Even for me, as a full-time actor, I’m still wearing all the hats—wife, mom, dog mom, coach, podcaster. So, how do we make time to thrive in our acting careers? The truth is, you have to create that time, and treat it like gold.

In this post, I break down why consistent, dedicated time to both the business and creative sides of your career is key—and why focusing 80% of your energy on hard activities (like networking and branding) will give you the results you're after.

Trust me, the magic happens when you get comfortable being uncomfortable. Ready to flip the script on your career?

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The Best Way to Get Roles After 40
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

The Best Way to Get Roles After 40

Here’s the thing: If you’re over 40 and wondering if it’s too late to jump into acting, I’m here to tell you it’s absolutely not. I know the thoughts that run through your mind—"Isn’t this a young person’s game?" or "Have I missed my chance?" But let me tell you, all the life you’ve lived up until now? That’s your superpower as an actor. The emotional depth, the experiences, the understanding of what it means to be human—these are the things that will set you apart and give you an edge.

When I returned to acting in my late 40s, I had those same insecurities. I thought my age might hold me back. But once I embraced it, something magical happened. I realized that everything I had lived through gave me layers, depth—something younger actors don’t have yet. So, don’t think for a second that your age is a barrier. It’s actually one of your greatest strengths.

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How to Post on Social Media Without Bragging: H.O.P.E. for Actors
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

How to Post on Social Media Without Bragging: H.O.P.E. for Actors

Posting on social media as an actor can feel like walking a tightrope—you want to share your journey without coming across as braggy. That’s where the H.O.P.E. method comes in: Help One Person Every Day. It’s all about shifting your focus from self-promotion to providing value to others. Plus, organizing your posts into daily buckets—like Monday Mentions or Friday Fun—makes it easy to keep your content fresh and engaging. And remember, if you're working under an NDA, it's better to be safe than sorry. When in doubt, save those posts for later and share something that’s both safe and fun!

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Mastering Agent Meetings: 15 Must-Ask Questions for Actors
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Mastering Agent Meetings: 15 Must-Ask Questions for Actors

Imagine having an agent who's not just a rep, but a real partner—someone who gets your vision, champions your talent, and works with you as an equal. I'll be sharing 15 must-ask questions that will help you turn crucial meetings with agents into empowering conversations. Learn how to set up a meaningful two-way relationship, prepare your questions, and feel confident during your meeting.

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From Overlooked to Booked
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

From Overlooked to Booked

Ever felt like your online presence isn't doing you justice as an actor? Imagine if you could showcase yourself to industry pros in the best light possible. Today, I’m unveiling an often overlooked tool that gives you an unfair advantage: the EPK (Electronic Pitch Kit). It presents the best of you, distraction-free, showing where you want to go, not where you’ve been. I'll share why typical actor websites can hurt more than help and give you tips to create an EPK that truly shines. If you're serious about elevating your career, book a free appointment with me to see if my program is the right fit for you. Let's make you stand out for all the right reasons!

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The Quantum Physics of Acting Success
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

The Quantum Physics of Acting Success

Your dreams have already created the possibility for the outcome that you desire. Your mindset is everything; step up and be the person you want to become. When I restarted my acting career at 47 in Germany, I faced many challenges but didn't let anything stop me. I realized that to achieve my goals, I had to overcome my limiting beliefs and embrace the things that made me unique. I became a life and career coach to help myself and discovered the ABCs of a thriving acting career: an achiever's mindset, business savvy, and craft mastery. Alongside, I developed the five pillars: mindset, branding, marketing, networking, and community.

To successfully navigate your acting career, start with a strong mindset. Understand business strategies like branding and marketing, and continue improving your craft. Recognize the importance of outside perspective, adjust your strategy, and always be willing to change. Success doesn't come from talent alone; it requires an understanding of both craft and business. Believe in yourself, take the necessary actions, and remember, change starts from within.

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How to Ruin Your Acting Career in 10 Easy Steps
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

How to Ruin Your Acting Career in 10 Easy Steps

You know, when it comes to acting, we all want to succeed. But sometimes we unknowingly do things that sabotage our chances. I recently put together a list of 10 ways you could totally ruin your acting career (but seriously, don’t!). From waiting for perfection to avoiding networking like the plague, there are plenty of traps we fall into. The good news? It’s easy to flip the script and take control of your journey.

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Starting an Acting Career After 40
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Starting an Acting Career After 40

If you’re over 40 and still dreaming of an acting career, let me tell you—it’s not too late. I’ve been there, and I know what it’s like to put your dreams on hold. But here’s the good news: your life experience is your secret weapon. Everything you’ve lived through gives you an edge that younger actors just don’t have. But, as I’ve learned, talent alone isn’t enough. You need a strategy too—think of it like a bird: one wing is your talent, the other is the business savvy you need to make it work. Together, they help you soar.

I’ve helped so many people reignite their acting careers after 40, and I know you can do it too. So, if you’re ready to take that leap and finally go after the career you’ve always wanted, I’d love for you to check out my free masterclass where I dive into the exact framework that’s worked for me and others. It’s your time to shine, and there’s no better moment than now.

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Want More and Better Auditions? Do These 3 Things
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Want More and Better Auditions? Do These 3 Things

If you’re looking to land more and better auditions, here’s my take: First, I make sure I’m clear about what I bring to the table—this clarity makes it easier for casting directors to see me in roles that fit me perfectly. I don’t just rely on agents and casting directors because they’re not the ultimate decision-makers. Instead, I connect with producers, directors, and other industry pros. I also focus on understanding my unique brand and the themes that resonate with me.

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How I Started My Acting Career From Nothing
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

How I Started My Acting Career From Nothing

I'm shedding light on the whole idea of 'blind spots' in an actor's career– you know, those tricky areas in an actor's journey that might be silently holding you back. I break down the 8 most common mistakes actors make when it comes to their careers and, of course, I've got the lowdown on how to tackle each one. Just like the blind spots in your car, these invisible threats can hold you back. I get into "being ready," dealing with overwhelm, perfect timing, managing the craziness of busyness, overcoming perfectionism, booting indecision out the door, not turning small stuff into big dramas, and steering clear of those assumptions. From understanding what they are, to changing your mindset from external to internal factors, we’ll cover tools and techniques to help you realize your full potential. Remember, it’s all about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and turning problems into opportunities.

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This Actor Is On Fire And Taking Center Stage
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

This Actor Is On Fire And Taking Center Stage

I sat down with my friend and talented actor-comedian Matthias Ludwig. We delve into the fears and challenges of performing, both in acting and stand-up comedy. Matthias shares his journey from his first open mic experience to developing his comedic material and how his comedic endeavors have shaped his acting career. We discuss the importance of following one's curiosity, the role of timing and spontaneity, and the delicate balance between comedy and poignant storytelling.

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Everything You Need To Know For A Successful Acting Career
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Everything You Need To Know For A Successful Acting Career

Today, I'm unveiling the missing pieces you need for success in your acting career through the 5 pillars: Mindset, Marketing, Branding, Networking, and Community. This is the exact system I developed for myself to go from day player and co-star roles to guest stars and recurring roles. I not only explain what the pillars are and their importance to a thriving career but I also give you actionable steps for each that you can put into play today. Don't miss out on these game-changers!

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5 Mistakes Actors Make That Block Success
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

5 Mistakes Actors Make That Block Success

The are 5 kinds of mistakes that most actors make that keep them from the success they want and deserve. In this article, I list them and give you actionable steps that you can take right now to get your career back on track.

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Actions That Book Jobs: What Booking Actors Do (That You Should Do, Too)
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actions That Book Jobs: What Booking Actors Do (That You Should Do, Too)

Here's the deal: I'll reveal two distinct types of actions that can either propel you forward or hold you back. Brace yourself for the revelation that certain actions you're currently taking could be undermining your success without you even realizing it. It's all about striking that delicate balance between honing your craft and grasping the business side of the industry. Once you grasp this concept, it can truly transform your trajectory in the most remarkable ways.

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