Equipment for on the go auditions and selftapes
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Equipment for on the go auditions and selftapes

When I’m on the go, I keep my recording setup super simple—just my phone, a tripod, and a microphone. Seriously, that’s it! I’m not one of those actors who packs an entire studio with backdrops and lighting gear. I’ve found that as long as the lighting is good (hello, natural light by the window!), and my performance is solid, no one cares if I’m recording in a hotel room or at home. The focus is on you, not your surroundings. So, keep it light, keep it easy, and trust that your talent will shine through.

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How to Ruin Your Acting Career in 10 Easy Steps
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

How to Ruin Your Acting Career in 10 Easy Steps

You know, when it comes to acting, we all want to succeed. But sometimes we unknowingly do things that sabotage our chances. I recently put together a list of 10 ways you could totally ruin your acting career (but seriously, don’t!). From waiting for perfection to avoiding networking like the plague, there are plenty of traps we fall into. The good news? It’s easy to flip the script and take control of your journey.

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Starting an Acting Career After 40
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Starting an Acting Career After 40

If you’re over 40 and still dreaming of an acting career, let me tell you—it’s not too late. I’ve been there, and I know what it’s like to put your dreams on hold. But here’s the good news: your life experience is your secret weapon. Everything you’ve lived through gives you an edge that younger actors just don’t have. But, as I’ve learned, talent alone isn’t enough. You need a strategy too—think of it like a bird: one wing is your talent, the other is the business savvy you need to make it work. Together, they help you soar.

I’ve helped so many people reignite their acting careers after 40, and I know you can do it too. So, if you’re ready to take that leap and finally go after the career you’ve always wanted, I’d love for you to check out my free masterclass where I dive into the exact framework that’s worked for me and others. It’s your time to shine, and there’s no better moment than now.

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Can a Quiz Help You to Market Yourself as an Actor Better?
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Can a Quiz Help You to Market Yourself as an Actor Better?

Ever thought you had yourself all figured out, only to realize you’re not quite who you thought you were? That happened to me when I took a fun little quiz and found out I’m not the clever, sly fox I always thought I was—I’m actually a cat! It got me thinking about how understanding your true archetype can help you lean into your strengths, especially as an actor. Whether you're a fox, cat, bunny, or deer, embracing your natural traits can give you a serious edge. Curious about your archetype? Take the quiz and find out!

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Empowering Actors- Mastering Marketing and Branding with Sarah Matsui Colby
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Empowering Actors- Mastering Marketing and Branding with Sarah Matsui Colby

I recently chatted with Sarah Matsui Colby, an actor and marketing strategist, about how actors can really stand out by being their true selves. Sarah has this great concept called your "energetic signature"—basically, that unique vibe you bring into a room—and she explains how to use that to shape everything from your one-sheet to your EPK. She also drops some amazing tips on avoiding common marketing pitfalls, and even shares the story of how one gutsy move got her an audition for Superstore! If you’ve been feeling stuck with self-promotion, Sarah’s insights are full of practical advice and inspiration to help you take charge of your career.

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Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 3
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 3

When my acting career felt stuck, I realized it wasn’t about talent or connections—it was my mindset holding me back. In this series, I’m sharing how I reset my mindset and kicked those limiting beliefs to the curb. In this final part, I dive into the importance of clarity, taking strategic action, and embracing what makes you unique. If you missed Parts 1 and 2, I’d recommend checking them out—they set the stage for everything we’re talking about here.

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Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 2
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 2

You know, one of the toughest but most important things I've done in my acting career was getting real with myself. I had to admit that the results I was getting were directly tied to the effort I was putting in—or lack thereof. In this episode, I talk about how facing that reality is the first step in resetting your mindset as an actor. It’s all about asking yourself the right questions and making the changes that truly matter.

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Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 1
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actors: How to Reset Your Mindset in 3 Easy Steps - Part 1

I know how frustrating it can be when your acting career isn’t where you want it to be, despite all the hard work. Sometimes, it’s not the industry or your agent holding you back—it’s your own beliefs. Those quiet doubts like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never make it” can quietly sabotage your success. Here’s how shifting your mindset can help you break free from those limiting beliefs and start moving your career forward.

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Want More and Better Auditions? Do These 3 Things
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Want More and Better Auditions? Do These 3 Things

If you’re looking to land more and better auditions, here’s my take: First, I make sure I’m clear about what I bring to the table—this clarity makes it easier for casting directors to see me in roles that fit me perfectly. I don’t just rely on agents and casting directors because they’re not the ultimate decision-makers. Instead, I connect with producers, directors, and other industry pros. I also focus on understanding my unique brand and the themes that resonate with me.

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What the Hell is Branding for Actors, Anyway?
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

What the Hell is Branding for Actors, Anyway?

I sat down with UK-based actor Elijah Khan, known for his starring role in the NBC Studios TV show "Slave Market." Elijah shares insights into his journey as an actor, the challenges of developing multiple income streams, and his innovative app, Accentify, designed to help actors learn new accents affordably. We delve deep into the importance of branding for actors, authenticity, and the evolving nature of an actor's personal brand. Join us for an enlightening conversation that explores the business side of acting and the power of self-awareness in the industry.

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I Restarted My Acting Career When I was 47
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

I Restarted My Acting Career When I was 47

Rediscovering my first love as a 47-year-old woman in a foreign country was both exhilarating and daunting. After spending 16 years raising my son and navigating life in Germany without knowing the language, I yearned to fill the creative void left by my dormant acting career. From blogging to interior design, I pursued various passions, yet none ignited me quite like acting. A fateful decision to attend an acting workshop rekindled the fire within me, and I knew there was no turning back. Embracing the journey, I reestablished myself as a working actor, proving that it's never too late to chase your dreams.

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What's Your North Star?
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

What's Your North Star?

Are you unsure about where you're heading in your acting career? Do you know what your North Star is? Whether you aim to be in film, television, or theater, having clear goals and milestones is crucial. Finding your "North Star" is all about staying focused and motivated in both life and career. I'll show you how to identify your guiding principle, set clear goals, and stay on track. This is your key to navigating personal and professional challenges with confidence and purpose. Understand your unique energetic signature and align it with your career aspirations.

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I'm a Guest on Superfan Attraction
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

I'm a Guest on Superfan Attraction

I had a great chat with Diane Foy on her show, Superfan Attraction. We dove into my journey from the US to Germany, the importance of continuous learning, and building genuine industry relationships. If you’re looking for tips and insights to boost your acting career, don't miss the full interview.

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Don't Let Your -Yes Year- Become Your Entire Career
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Don't Let Your -Yes Year- Become Your Entire Career

Hey, let's dive into something that hits close to home for a lot of us in the acting biz. You know how sometimes it feels like you're just shouting into the void, trying to get noticed? Yeah, been there. I discuss how trained actors, like you and me, can overcome the frustration of stalled careers by moving beyond traditional methods like constant workshops and mass mailings. I delve into strategies for taking control of our own careers, building authentic relationships, and ensuring our branding and materials are on point. Learn how to make your 'yes year' a stepping stone, not a career plateau.

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Common Mistakes Actors Make
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Common Mistakes Actors Make

Delve into identifying and overcoming blind spots that might be hindering your acting career. Discover what blind spots are, how they act as invisible threats, and learn three powerful strategies to turn these challenges into opportunities

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A Working American Actor in Europe
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

A Working American Actor in Europe

Join me as I chat with Brian Caspe, an American expat living in Prague. We dive into his unique journey from the US to Europe, his roles in "Carnival Row" and "Unlocked," and his experiences navigating Prague's acting scene. Brian shares tips on leveraging opportunities in smaller markets and building a strong network. Don't miss his advice on self-taping and keeping your skills sharp.

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Make Directors and Other Actors Love You - Best Actors' Advice
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Make Directors and Other Actors Love You - Best Actors' Advice

This is a little different. Today, I'm the guest on Kiersten Natis's podcast, Acting Out. Kiersten asked many great questions and quickly got to the bottom of some of my favorite things about acting and being an actor. I share how I overcame typecasting by creating my own material and the importance of mastering the business side of acting. From branding to networking, my five-pillar strategy—mindset, branding, marketing, networking, and community—has been key to my success. I promise, it will change how you act and everyone on set will love you for it.

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Actors: Find Your Flow
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Actors: Find Your Flow

I sat down with Masha Kay, a breathwork and nervous system coach, to discuss how actors can overcome nervousness and reach a state of flow. Masha shares invaluable insights into the nervous system, the power of breathwork, and practical tips that can help actors stay present and perform at their best, whether on stage, in front of a camera, or during auditions. We also explore how music, mindfulness, and self-compassion play crucial roles in managing nerves and enhancing performance.

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Iconic Casting Director John Frank Levey on being "Right for the Role"
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Iconic Casting Director John Frank Levey on being "Right for the Role"

I had the pleasure of interviewing iconic casting director John Frank Levey. Known for his work on transformative TV shows like "ER," "Shameless," and "The West Wing," John shares his unique insights into what makes an actor right for a role. From his intuitive approach to casting to memorable audition stories, John offers invaluable advice for actors striving to hone their craft. We also delve into his journey from theater to casting, the importance of authenticity, and the collaborative nature of the casting process.

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Networking at Film Markets for Actors - yeah, it’s a thing.
Anne Alexander-Sieder Anne Alexander-Sieder

Networking at Film Markets for Actors - yeah, it’s a thing.

I had the pleasure of discussing dynamic networking strategies with Abby Tozer, an accomplished actress, producer, and filmmaker. Abby shares her invaluable insights on navigating the American Film Market (AFM) and other film festivals. From understanding the intricacies of film financing and making meaningful connections, to preparing a compelling pitch deck, Abby breaks down all the do's and don'ts. She opened up about her experiences at the AFM, where she's been twice. She shared some really useful networking tips, how to introduce yourself in the industry, and the importance of always being prepared. Plus, she talked about how she goes about finding the perfect producing partner, the goals they set, the hurdles they've faced, and their exciting plans for future feature films. We also got into the nitty-gritty of creating a great pitch, took a peek into the film market scene, and had a heartfelt conversation about the ups and downs of life as a producer and actress.

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